Doing the #ALSIceBucketChallenge in Hawaii?

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I had the pleasure of working with dedicated and passionate caregivers of the ALS Ohana of Hawaii, and the ice bucket challenge is great – raised millions for the cause, BUT, if there’s one thing I learned from them – it’s that help is needed NOW and your help matters NOW.

The national ALS organization use monies to find a cure for the disease. Meanwhile in Hawaii, caregivers need your help to build a network of support for those affected by the ALS. Please check them out and help.

Front Page Inside Page





Please visit their website noW: www.alsohana.orgALSohana

Here is a poster board for one of the organization’s community outreach events –

Poster board


My client, Ms. Debs sent me this photo later on –





So happy to be a part of ALS Ohana of Hawaii!

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