If you haven’t visited our totally green sustainability business Start Fresh Maui, click here.
Unlike other farm-to-table products, we’re not hardcore farmers. We don’t sell produce. Right now we can’t. We don’t have enough. But we do give them away to friends and family!
Our products are systems. We can be hired to build aquaponics systems for your backyard, for your building’s bare rooftop, or for your school. Deron’s research indicates there is not one single one-stop-shop on Maui that supplies parts for aquaponics systems, so we want to fill that gap.
Visit the website and let me know if you’re interested!
Here’s the starter kit manual we put together:
[gview file=”https://kitzulueta.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/StarterKit-Manual_viewer.pdf”]
And here’s the logo from sketch to sassy. Deron did the sketch, I digitized:
We even made shirts! =)
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