3rd quarterly meeting with BBB CEO and Hawaii Health Connector

MFCC_3rd quarter meeting
MFCC_3rd quarter meeting

Maui FIlipino Chamber of Commerce 3rd Quarter Membership meeting

This is the Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce’s 2nd event that’s going to be held at Tante’s Restaurant at the Seaside Hotel. As far as I know, the last one with State Tax Director Fred Pablo was very sucessful, so I’m looking forward to this one, too!

Flying all the way from Oahu, Mr. Greg Dunn, President and CEO of Better Business Bureau, has agreed to talk story with us on trends, tips and best practices in business. He was just appointed last June. In an effort to cyber-know him before the actual event, I learned that he was affiliated with the Hawaii Nature Center – whose current Executive Director Dyanna Okazaki was a karate mom in JKA Hawaii.

In addition, our 2013 JKA Hawaii Fall Tournament will have an overnight potluck/bonfire/fellowship event at Maui’s Hawaii Nature Center at Iao Valley. I used to work for a non-profit and we do anything to hit targets for fund-raising, so will help as much as possible.

The second speaker is Ms. Rowena Nikki Baysa, Program Specialist of Maui’s Hawaii Health Connector. Ms. Baysa actually spoke at the Maui County Business Resource Center yesterday to educate about health insurance and business so she may be anticipating the same questions from us. I personally don’t have much concerns about health insurance – which is pretty lame and sad – a chunk of my salary is dedicated for it, I know that.

So I continue to receive notifications from Kaiser – “Hey, Maria! Come and see us!” – wow, they are so friendly. And I continue to ignore. I promised myself I will go for at least a physical this YEAR.

Joe Moore of KITV News once said “People on the quest for wealth and disregards health, end up losing both.” So true.

Join us on Wednesday. The $20 is so worth it – just Tante’s hospitality alone. You don’t have to be a member to join us. In fact, bring your friends with you, THEN you can all join the Chamber afterwards.

RSVP: Brianmoto.moto@gmail.com or Call Alvin Santander at 808-856-2605

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